Exploring the digital world!
Movie Py
Would like to improve my moviepy skills:
from moviepy.editor import *
start = VideoFileClip("VID_20191103_174310051.mp4").subclip('00:00:00.000','00:00:00.802')
video = VideoFileClip("VID_20191103_174310051.mp4").subclip('00:00:00.803','00:00:02.950')
end = VideoFileClip("VID_20191103_174310051.mp4").subclip('00:00:02.951')
reverse_video = video.fx(vfx.time_mirror)
result = concatenate([start,video,reverse_video,video,reverse_video,video,reverse_video,video,reverse_video,video,reverse_video,video,end]) # Overlay text on video
result.write_videofile("pull_up.webm",fps=25) # Many options...
MoviePy is a Python library that allows you to work with videos, edit them, and create new video clips programmatically. It provides a user-friendly interface to manipulate video files, perform various operations like cutting, concatenating, adding effects, and exporting the result as a new video file.
Here's a high-level overview of how MoviePy works:
Installation: Start by installing MoviePy using pip:
pip install moviepy
Importing: Import the necessary modules from the MoviePy library into your Python script:
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, TextClip, concatenate_videoclips
VideoFileClip: Load an existing video file as a VideoFileClip object:
video = VideoFileClip("input_video.mp4")
Video Manipulation: MoviePy provides methods to manipulate the loaded video clip, such as cutting, resizing, rotating, adding text, applying effects, etc. For example, to add a text caption to the video:
text_clip = TextClip("Hello, MoviePy!", fontsize=50, color="white")
video_with_text = video.set_duration(10).crossfadein(1).crossfadeout(1).subclip(5, 15).\
resize((720, 480)).set_position(("center", "bottom")).\
on_color(size=(720, 60), color=(0, 0, 0), pos=('center', 'top'))
final_video = concatenate_videoclips([video_with_text, text_clip.set_duration(5)])
Exporting: Export the edited video clip as a new video file:
final_video.write_videofile("output_video.mp4", codec="libx264", fps=24)
Audio Manipulation (Optional): MoviePy also allows you to manipulate audio in videos. You can extract audio, modify it, or add new audio to video clips.
MoviePy provides a wide range of functionality for video editing and manipulation. The library abstracts many of the technical details, making it easier to create complex video effects and transformations. Keep in mind that MoviePy is designed for basic video editing tasks; for more advanced video editing, you might want to consider using more specialized tools.
For more detailed usage and examples, you can refer to the official MoviePy documentation: